To start, Judy Moody doesn’t have high hopes for third grade. Her new desk won’t have an armadillo sticker with her name on it. Her new classroom will not have a porcupine named Roger. And with her luck, she’ll get stuck sitting in the first row, where Mr. Todd will notice every time she tries […]
Judy Moody is in a jealous mood. Jealous of classmate Jessica Finch, that is, who gets her picture on the front page of the newspaper. When Judy sets off in pursuit of her own fame and happiness, watch out! She’s so determined, she just might find it — or she might merely become more INFAMOUS […]
A visit to Boston has put our famous third-grader in a revolutionary mood. But staging a revolt in the form of a tea-throwing Boston Tub Party has her dad reading the riot act. Will a real-life crisis involving her brother, Stink, finally give Judy a chance to show her courageous quick thinking — and prove […]
This double-rare collection features: Judy Moody Predicts the Future Judy Moody, M.D.: the Doctor Is In! Judy Moody Declares Independence
Featured in this way-cool collection are books 7 through 9, in paperback: Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 ½ Days Judy Moody Goes to College Judy Moody, Girl Detective
When her “Heal the World” adhesive-bandage design doesn’t win a contest, Judy Moody realizes it’s time to set her sights on something bigger. Class 3T is studying the environment, and Judy is amazed to learn about the destruction of the rain forest, the endangered species (not) in her own backyard, and her own family’s crummy […]
The substitute teacher in Class 3T thinks Judy’s math skills need improving. So Judy has to start meeting with a math tutor. Does this mean flash cards? Does this mean school on weekends? But when Judy meets her tutor — a college student with an uber-funky sense of style — and gets a glimpse of […]
Oh, no! Judy Moody’s lucky penny just did a belly flop into a porcelain bowl of yucky, blucky UN-luck. Has the coin’s magic gone kerflooey? Are some people, like Jessica Finch or Stink, destined to have all the luck, while she, Judy Moody, gets stuck with a yard full of three-not-four-leaf clovers, a squealing potbellied […]
Collect like crazy — with nine of Judy's adventures in one boxed bonanza!
Judy Moody is in a medical mood! It’s no secret that Judy wants to be like Elizabeth Blackwell, first woman doctor, when she grows up. So when Class 3T starts to study the Amazing Human Body, Judy can hardly wait to begin her better-than-best-ever third-grade projects: show-and-tell with something way rarer than a scab, an […]