
Megan McDonald
10 things you may not know about Megan McDonald
The first story Megan ever got published (in the fifth grade) was about a pencil sharpener.
She read the biography of Virginia Dare so many times at her school library that the librarian had to ask her to give somebody else a chance.
Megan had to be a boring-old pilgrim every year for Halloween because she has four older sisters, who kept passing their pilgrim costumes down to her.
Her favorite board game to play is the Game of Life.
She is a member of the Ice-Cream-for-Life Club at Screamin’ Mimi’s in her hometown of Sebastopol, California.
She has a Band-Aid collection to rival Judy Moody’s, including bacon-scented Band-Aids.
She owns a jawbreaker that is bigger than a baseball, which she will never, ever eat.
Like Stink, she had a pet newt that slipped down the drain when she was his age.
Megan often starts a book by scribbling on a napkin.
She was once the opening act for the World’s Biggest Cupcake!

Peter H. Reynolds
10 things you may not know about Peter H. Reynolds
He has a twin brother, Paul. Paul was born first, fourteen minutes before Peter decided to arrive.
Peter is part owner of a children’s book and toy shop called Blue Bunny in the Massachusetts town where he lives.
He’s vertically challenged (aka short!).
His mother is from England; his father is from Argentina.
He made his first animated film while he was in high school.
He sometimes paints with tea instead of water — whatever’s handy!
He keeps a sketch pad and pen on his nightstand. That way, if an idea hits him in the middle of the night, he can jot it down immediately.
His favorite candy is a tie between peanut-butter cups and chocolate-covered raisins (same as Megan McDonald!).
One of his favorite books growing up was The Tall Book of Make-Believe by Jane Werner, illustrated by Garth Williams.
He shares a birthday with James Madison, Stink’s favorite president!
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